World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 58

LORE 58 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine NORTHSHIRE HUMAN STARTING AREA By Doug Reynolds No NO NO! Ye dinnae have Boar with Dark Brew Lager, ye have Dwarven Stout! Tell me now why ye picked THIS Tavern ya wee beastie? “ Sir, we need to move Orcs hiding in tree’s..whatever next. Here is a quick life lesson Willem to the side of the Abbey. Sergeant Willem looked knee laddie, Orcs and Worgs smell to high deep in Gnome droppings - Goblin to lend a hand in Northshire I heaven, to the point that even a big Assassins had been dispatched do find it odd you were asked beard doesn’t keep the stench oot. to take out key members of the to do this please explain?” This did make it very easy to flush Northshire defence. Add to that the Orc spies out mind ye, but after the high number of field injuries, Humans they NEED our help. Any fighting Worgs of any kind make things were getting desperate race that cannae drink till they’re sure ye get yer beard checked for pretty quickly and it was time sober NEED help. It seemed that Fleas. With the Worgs and Spies out for me to wade in beard deep. the Blackrock Orcs had taken a the way Mcbride who still seemed liking to Northshire and wanted to be struggling somewhat with that pain in the beer keg but loud noises to take it for themselves. Marshal wasp asked me to go help Sergeant drove them out into the open where on - you were enlisted “Ah well, ye see laddie, these Mcbride was pleased in a swallowed a wasp kind of way to see me, but did welcome the help. The unclean Orc savages had let their Blackrock Worgs off the leash and they were terrorising the good folk of Northshire. So I needed to thin their numbers and also take care of the Orc Spies that were hiding in the trees gathering information on the state of the defensive forces. AND BEFORE YE SAY ANYTHING!! I realise how dopey that sounds! The GameOn Magazine The Goblin Assassins were a