World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 43

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 43 a magnet for those who want to team attempting to sneak in and comrades in case of sapping or harvest a few kills. In fact this is a grab flags. It doesn’t happen quite blinding. Staying alive and keeping key to most WSG tactics and the so much these days but it does your buddies alive will go a long best teams will ignore these pesky occur and you can use this to your way to helping win matches. few in order to achieve the higher advantage. By using classes who can goal; flag capture. Doing this will move faster on foot i.e. mages with sucks. It has gone hand-in-hand hopefully allow your flag team to blink or druids with travel form, you with Warsong Gulch since the be on their way back before your can attempt to grab your opponents’ Battleground was introduced and flag gets grabbed, or even better, flag and steer wide of the zone. Be it brings out even the most even- stops them grabbing it at all. aware that a flag carrier rarely gets tempered Warcrafter in a major Rogues, Druids and even Hunters away totally unhindered but the nerdrage. It is exacerbated now by are your go-to classes here as they middle ground distraction can help. the fact that Blizzard dropped the Graveyard ganking! Oh this level of the graveyards so that there can get close without being seen Rogues and cat Druids are a and spread a lot of panic fighting big thing to watch for. WSG works was only one direction to leave; in the first few seconds, seconds in such a way that teams easily get towards your waiting foe. Back which are vital to your flag person. disjointed, leaving easy pickings before that little change you could for pesky stealthers. Always try at least make a break for the flag scrap in the middle ground ‘zerg to move in at least small groups room to get away. The best way to zone’ with a handful from each and keep an eye out for your deal with this aneurysm-inducing Often WSG descends into a The GameOn Magazine