World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 31

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 31 ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF ROLE-PLAYING TERMS A IS FOR... Abbreviations. Role-Playing is • MRP: My Role-Playing. An addon that FILLED with abbreviations, some of the most allows roleplayers to enhance their popular ones that are seen on a daily basis are: character information and description. • TRP2: Similar to MRP but more • IC: In Character. Your actions and words are direct from the character’s advanced options are available like thoughts and feelings. player specific quests, customisable map locations to add chests/houses etc. • OC: Out Of Character. You as a O • /s: Speaking in character chat player within the WoW game. • P: Role-Playing. The roles of you R becoming and acting as your character. to show ingame to others • LFRP: The most common public ran • RP: Erotic Role-Playing. Yes E chat channel across EU & US servers, / exactly what you think it is. join LFRP on the majority of RP servers • RPPVP: Role-Playing Player vs Player. There’s a few RPPvP servers that allow you’ll find others looking for RP also • /e: The emotion or action your character players to keep their role-playing will be carrying out publicly for other environment but are constantly PvP flagged. players to watch and interact with • Tongues: An addon that will adapt your • RPPVE: Role-Playing Player vs Environment. Generally most RP servers ingame speech to allow other Tongues users are considered RPPvE which allow players to understand you. Useful for speaking to keep their role-playing environment demonic/with an accent etc. The list is long! but are not constantly PvP flagged. you may consider becoming a Night almost dropping the mug as her Elf Druid or Orcish Hunter, enjoy drunken aim causes it to skim its magic shows? A Blood Elf Mage is base against the wood she hiccups selected realm choose a class your calling. Prefer going all out to the barkeep.” “/s Another round you both enjoy to play within the raging and face the consequences for me and the *hic* girls please!”. PVE aspect (as you will most later? A Troll Warrior it is! As a player upon a RP server it is How Do I Become My Character In Game? When you’re happy with your likely explore beyond the starting To carry out your actions within appreciated by those around you to zones of Azeroth and don’t wish the game to others you must show stay as your character as much as to keep being eaten by the local them through the use of emotes (/e) possible this means no discussing beasties) and one you will enjoy and the ingame speech system (/s), the latest real life events, PVP/PVE ‘becoming’ ICly. For example, if such as “/e Stumbles across to the tactics or smilies “:)” and “lol” are you’re an animal lover in real life bar, slumping against the counter, specifically frowned upon. Please The GameOn Magazine