World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 25

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 25 have control Meldra’. I find the “May my sword aid you?” She mastermind surrounded by these tells me of the troubles her fellow creatures. “How do you harness colleagues have been dealing with. your power to create these wraiths I nod, unsheathe my sword and wretched one?” I hold a blade to proceed towards the square. The his throat as I prepare to take his wretched, I let out a heavy sigh off. These souls, they were once life. He laughs at me and grins, once no one is in earshot. ‘Sword like me. Our curse, our addiction, “Give in young blood elf, and drawn, stand tall, you will prevail. I will not falter, not now, not ever. you will see”. With disgust at his No hero ever doubted themselves, of comment I finish my task. Blood course not’. I walk quickly in hopes refuge for a moment in the inn. The trails behind me as I drag his head that I can get to Falconwing Square fight in Falconwing still rages on. It’s to the apprentice. The thought without any confrontations, then I clear now that the battle the Blood crosses my mind, ‘see what?’. catch a glance of a wretched looking Elves face is not over; it never has at me. I spin my sword so that been. I was sheltered within the city cross the bridge, the one I have the sun glares on its shimmering walls. Survival - we only worry about heard about before. ‘Breathe blade, “Do you dare, you pathetic the survival our race; I will prevail.■ Meldra, you can do this’. I approach excuse for a life?” I yell taunting the outrunner with a prideful gait, it. It smirks at me and scampers I venture on, as I am sent to Finally, I made it to safety. I take By Leanne Dugan The GameOn Magazine