World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 22

LORE 22 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine SUNSTRIDER ISLE BLOOD ELF STARTING AREA By Leanne Dugan As I sit here perched on a step in Sunstrider Isle, I am ready to embark on my journey. I wonder, ‘Could I ever be like them?’. For years now I have studied; I have read every history book ever written. I As I begin my training I wonder listened to all the glorified powerful; we once were more than stories, and heard every what... what we are now. I try not to why I am given such menial heart-wrenching tale of those show my disappointment in what tasks. Killing mana wyrrns, are before me. Who am I to compare to we have become as I approach the they serious? Could they not just myself to them? I, am Meldravia, Magistrate. ‘One day I will dress as banish them somewhere? I agree a young Blood Elf; descendant they do, the brilliant red, oh how to complete the task; after all I of the great High Elves, and the I want to look that sophisticated, must prove myself. I approach a next heroine Azeroth will see. what tailor does she use; Come on giant crystal and stop, I have never This island, it’s everything I Meldra, pull yourself together, seek been this close to one before. This dreamed it would be. I don’t suppose faith in the light’. With my head held eerie demon, its eyes, they unnerve being confined within the city walls high, I bow before my elder, ready to me, yet, they compel me. I look all these years has ever done me take on her tasks. I try to relentlessly around and see the guardians any good for imagining what the real convince myself that I can be like watching my every move. They world looked like. The architecture them; I just have to make it through have fought hard, they don’t falter, “IT’S UNFORTUNATE TO BE SENT OFF ON THESE POINTLESS TASKS, HAS THERE NOT BEEN ENOUGH BLOODSHED FOR ALL ETERNITY TO PROTECT OUR RACE.” and they maintain peace in this beautiful land. ‘Be bold Meldra, show no mercy’. I march confidently returning to the Magistrate and await my next assignment. It’s unfortunate to be sent off on these pointless tasks, has there not been enough bloodshed intertwined with the trees and the training. I will fight, I will learn for all eternity to protect our race. the lakes, it’s stunning. The sheer and I will be better than the rest. ‘An Nevertheless I will do as I am asked, beauty of the perfection that exists enchanted broom, that’s awesome, I will prove my worth. One day I here, it reminds me we once were I wonder if I can… Meldra FOCUS!’ will be called one of the greats. The GameOn Magazine