World Monitor Mag WM_June 2018 web | Page 38

EXPERT OPINION What possibilities does digital transformation offer? In the coming decades, digitalisation will become one of the key trends in the development of all markets. Today, digital technology is used in many industries: from the space industry to consumer sales. Audris Barcevicius, President and CEO, Siemens Central Asia Аудрис Барцявичюс, Президент «Сименс» в Центральной Азии The ability to model the production pro- cess and create digital product twins de- stroys the habitual business models and gives the opportunity to create new ones. The Internet of Things (IoT) connects de- vices to a single network where data is col- lected, processed and analyzed in a cloud storage. The Internet of things allows you to save time and achieve the main goal – to analyze information in a timely man- ner, draw conclusions and make important decisions. In the coming years, all sectors of industry will rely on solutions that are based on data management, to improve the quality and efficiency of their most important assets. Digitalisation allows you to create a dis- tributed power system from several sta- tions to a single network with thousands of renewable energy sources with the abil- ity to receive information from networks and manage the process online. Billions of mechanisms create huge amounts of data, linking the real and virtual worlds. It is impossible to imagine a modern company whose activities would not be affected by digitalisation. Today the question is not whether to be in a trend or not, the main thing is not to miss the opportunities that are opened with the help of digital technologies. For companies that do not participate in digital transformation this means losing competitiveness, and there- fore the market. Digital technologies allow 36 world monitor expanding the portfolio of projects, open- ing new market niches, saving time and costs, and also focusing on maintaining the highest quality standards. In May, Siemens Kazakhstan held Digitali- sation Days, which brought together busi- ness leaders, experts and specialists from various fields. Through voting, the partici- pants of the events had the opportunity to express their views on the potential of the digital transformation. The main potential benefit of digital transformation based on the results of the survey were – efficiency, speed and profit. In other words, digitali- sation can significantly reduce the time to market, as well as the costs of production and maintenance, while maintaining high quality standards. The panel discussions that took place dur- ing the events addressed issues related to the possibilities of digital transformation. Participants in the discussions noted the importance of cyber security, the creation of infrastructure and the training of per- sonnel in the process of digital transfor- mation. The topic of education was par- ticularly affected, in view of the fact that, according to experts, there is a need to create an environment for supporting new formats of education and the development of innovations. Digital transformation will create new jobs and specialties, but will also require the adaptation of existing skills to new technologies and processes.