World Image Magazine Issue 31 April 2016 | Page 16

So here I am, sitting in the dark Ugandan night, thinking “time to get going with the writing again, My dear friend Gordon Longmead does so much with the magazine and as vice chairman, I’d like to contribute and inspire my fellow photographers. The photos are there, and I guess the stories…but putting them together with a theme, a bit trickier that is… writing under the theme “wildlife” is a bit “wide” So I was thinking, middle of the night, can’t sleep so theme of the night will be…no not night life, but “scenery” not so much animals as I usually do , just nature… at this point I haven’t picked the pics yet, but they will be mostly from Uganda where I operate but also Tanzania, where I used to operate. So what do I say about photos I haven’t chosen yet… scenery in general, especially here, can be a bit tricky, for example, we all chase “the golden Hour” the golden light at sun down and rise…well, living literary at the equator you learn to be fast and at the right place at the right time… we don’t have hours of sunrise or that loooong sunset In august, here, its pretty much up/down-light/dark, not much to play around with. But when everything falls in place…its just right! I usually don’t run around with a tripod, as well I usually do have enough light, but when I find that rainforest perfection I do put my tripod down, turn down the ISO as low as possible, take a step back and remote control everything. Website = Page 16 email = [email protected]