World Food Policy Volume 3, No. 2/Volume 4, No. 1, Fall16/Spring17 | Page 116

World Food Policy Figure 2: GI control system in Thailand Source: Authors’ survey. can directly control all producers/pro- cessors. The new 2012 regulation allows ISO 17  065-accredited certification bodies to inspect and issue certificates for Thai GIs. This is a voluntary choice of the GI producer/processor groups. Such a certification body can be ac- credited by the EU or by the Thai ACFS once the new GI accreditation scheme is effective. The Thai system thus allows GI producers/processors to choose be- tween several control options. In Vietnam, in the absence of a homogeneous national system, rules for managing GIs, i.e. granting and re- voking the right to use the GI, are very diverse. The right to use the GI is grant- ed by the management body (the public authority that registered the GI), but is not conditional upon control of com- pliance of the product to the GI spec- ification, even if in some cases control boards were created. The control board usually comprises representatives from the Directorate for Standards, Metrol- ogy and Quality (STAMEQ) under the MoST, at the Provincial level. Initial- ly involved in the creation of the GI for Nuoc Mam Phu Quoc (fish sauce), NAFIQAD (National Agro-Forest- ry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Depart- ment, under the Ministry of Agricul- ture) mainly controls compliance with mandatory food safety regulations and with some voluntary standards such as VietGAP through a network of labo- ratories scattered around the country. It considers that State agencies should not be involved in the control of volun- tary standards such as GIs. NAFIQAD is funded by the State and by certifica- tion fees. Hai Phong Branch employs 15 people for laboratory analyses, 15 peo- ple for certification, and 10 people for administrative work. Each department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ru- ral Development (MARD) is in charge of accrediting certification agencies against specific standards, which cre- ates considerable confusion: e.g., the Department of Crop Production is in 116