World Economic Journal Issue 43 September 2024 | Page 95

crime , develop the economy and unite the nation .
The ideological divergences between the ANC and DA are so deep that investors and credit rating agencies have expressed scepticism about these parties ’ ability to overcome them easily . For example , the ANC had increased expenditure on social grants just before the election , while the DA promised to reduce some of them , alongside other ANC black empowerment policies .
The sustainability of the coalition government , however , will largely depend on the dexterity and competency of the key political figures .
President Cyril Ramaphosa ’ s long political experience could be an asset to handle complicated political issues , while Gayton Mckenzie of the Patriotic Alliance might be well-positioned to tackle crime and support economic empowerment , which have long been central themes of his agenda .
Just two weeks after the election , the parties signed a Statement of Intent that outlined priorities for the new administration . It aims to foster rapid , inclusive and sustainable economic growth as well as job creation , land reform , transformation , livelihood support and infrastructure development .
These priorities have been reflected in the GNU ’ s very first steps . At their first meeting after the elections , the government and business have agreed to actively address , over the next 12 to 18 months , such pressing challenges as electricity outages , poor logistics and high crime .
Among other pro-employment measures , the Department of Home Affairs — now branding itself as " a power-

The new government will avoid purchasing new houses and offices for cabinet and parliament members , displaying a commitment to responsible spending

ful engine for economic growth "— has committed to urgently addressing the backlog in work permit processing . A special team was formed and 92,886 permits out of 306,042 were reportedly processed in just a few weeks , a 30 % reduction . The new government contends that boosting the availability of scarce skills in the labour market is a key strategy for job creation .
Brenthurst Foundation ’ s election survey conducted by SABI Strategy in February and March 2024 . Source : Brenthurst Foundation
Meanwhile , a reform of public-private partnerships ( PPPs ) has been adopted to stimulate investments in critical sectors like energy and infrastructure , and alleviate the financial strain on the public sector .
Symbolically , the new government will avoid purchasing new houses and offices for cabinet and parliament members , displaying a commitment to
responsible spending . Additionally , government officials will be required to use existing furniture .
Many South Africans are cautiously optimistic about the new government ' s setup , even though the shift has introduced unfamiliar political uncertainty .
Professor Susan Booysen , a political analyst , acknowledged the contradictions in the positions of the various parties . She emphasised that they need to clearly understand their roles : " It ' s very important that the [ GNU ] parties come to accept and show acceptance that this is a new entity they ' re acting for ,” Eye Witness News quoted her as saying .
While much of the old government programme will remain in place , Booysen also pointed out that the new government cannot simply be a continuation of the previous one . “ Where there is a need for change , where there have been deficits , where the poor policies have been falling short , it must be very clear that the old orders , instructions , policies are not guaranteed to be put in place again ,” she explained .