World Economic Journal Issue 43 September 2024 | Page 85

S ince the dawn of the twenty-first century , as the nations of the world deepened their interdependence , there has been a profound geopolitical and economic shift towards Asia , leading to it being dubbed by many as the “ Asian Century ”.

The rise of this continent — home to around 60 % of the world ’ s population — as a leading force in international affairs and the global economy has been catalysed by rapid economic growth , technological advancement and shifting power balances . This backdrop comes with key geopolitical implications that have challenged the recent traditional world order , led by the West .
Incumbent powerhouses , particularly the increasingly ( dis ) United States and European nations , are re-evaluating their strategies as the balance of power shifts eastward and increased attention is being paid towards the BRICS nations , among others . The competition for technological supremacy , particularly in areas like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity , has intensified , necessitating new and both collaborative and competitive approaches to diplomacy .
In the emerging new global landscape , a country is as much defined by the dynamism and innovation of its private sector as it is by the strength of its military , its place on international bodies or the influence of the government of the day . Soft and hard power opportunities are increasingly being created by large tech companies , investment funds and research laboratories in a manner akin to state actors .
The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly laid bare the need for solutions to key challenges around ageing populations , youth unemployment , financial inclusion , health equity and much more . Innovation and investment in these areas will accelerate for years to come , with increased urgency and opportunities in the post-pandemic world . But while solving so-called “ wicked problems ” and addressing complex interconnected societal challenges used to be the province of government and philanthropy , technology innovation and new venture creation are now increasingly seen as the most effective ways to change trajectories .
A multi awarded serial entrepreneur and investor , Abbas Kazmi started his first company at the age of 16 . Ex- BlackRock , he is the co-founder of the Oxford Accelerator , Collegiate Capital , BlackWood Ventures , and now the SABAH . fund . An advisor to several governments in the EMEA region , Mr Kazmi has also been appointed as a United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Fellow and was selected by the UAE ' s Vice-President and Deputy Prime Minister , Sheikh Mansour , as an Arab Youth Pioneer .