World Economic Journal Issue 43 September 2024 | Page 37


Population : 3.05 MILLION Gross Regional Product : $ 116.7 BILLION Secretary-General of the Executive Council : ABDULLA MOHAMMED AL BASTI
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Dubai has undergone a profound transformation over the past decade from an oil-reliant economy to a global hub for technology , finance and tourism . While doing so , Dubai has attracted a number of global corporations , investors and , increasingly , startups . Initiatives like the Dubai Future Foundation and the Smart Dubai strategy aim to establish the city as one of the smartest and most digitally connected in the world . Sustainability is one of the pillars of Dubai ’ s development , as exemplified by the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 , which aims to make Dubai a global leader in sustainable energy . Meanwhile , the Dubai Health Strategy 2021 aims to provide world-class healthcare services to all residents .
Notable SDG achievements : Since its inception , the Digital Dubai Office has launched over 130 initiatives in partnership with government and private sector entities . Some key initiatives include , the Dubai Data Initiative , the Dubai Blockchain Strategy , the Happiness Agenda , the Dubai AI Roadmap and the Dubai Paperless Strategy . The Dubai government has invested heavily in education , with initiatives like the Dubai Future Foundation and the Dubai Future Academy , which help individuals acquire skills needed on the labour market .
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World bank GDP net : https :// data . worldbank . org / indicator / NY . GDP . MKTP . CD
World bank GDP by PPP : https :// data . worldbank . org / indicator / NY . GDP . MKTP . PP . C