Facts About Italy
With 61 million inhabitants, Italy is the 5th most populous country in Europe.
Italy has the eighth-largest economy in the world.
Italy is home to the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites with 50.
The Italian mafia accounts for 7% of Italy's GDP.
Italy is the largest producer of wine in the world.
Located within Italy, San Marino is the world's oldest republic (301 A.D.) and holds the world's oldest continuous constitution.
One-third of Italians have never used the Internet.
More than a third of single Italian men between the ages of 30 and 35 live with their parents.
51% of Italians can't afford a vacation.
In Italy, there is a submerged bronze statue of Jesus Christ of 2.5 metres tall.
Galileo's middle finger is on display at a museum in Florence, Italy.
At age 10, Mussolini was expelled from a religious boarding school in Italy for stabbing a classmate in the hand.
In Venice, Italy, all gondolas are required to be painted in black by law.
Italian Traffic Police has two Lamborghini Gallado in service.