Mosaic art is enjoying a resurgence in the United States — and glass, in its many forms,
is playing a major role in this new wave of artistic creativity. In this workshop, you will
look at several types of glass, focusing on the traditional Italian smalti and comparing it
to products from Mexico, China, and the United States. In addition, a sampling of other
mosaic materials is available, including marble and stone.
Smalti Mosaic with Carol Stirton-Broad
July 9-13 — $675
In this workshop students will initially produce a small
sampler using traditional techniques. Next, students will
design a larger piece, using these materials in their own
style. Finally, students will learn design transfer and create
a final work of art using the direct method. Students will be
encouraged to experiment with a variety of tools including
hammers, hardies, and glass nippers.
Carol Stirton-Broad holds a BFA from Temple University’s
Tyler School of Art, and has also studied at Glasgow School
of Art (Scotland), Orsoni (Venice, Italy), Scuola Arte del
Mosico (Ravenna, Italy) and the Chicago Mosaic School.
Stirton-Broad has taught ceramic and mosaic workshops
at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Institute of
Contemporary Art (Philadelphia), Fleisher Art Memorial
(Philadelphia), Main Line Art Center (Haverford, PA), and
the Abington Art Center (Jenkintown, PA). Stirton-Broad’s
work has been exhibited in many locations, including the
Magic Garden, The Clay Studio, Ariana Gallery (Royal Oak,
MI), the Bath House Cultural Center (Dallas), Abington
Art Center, Fleisher Art Memorial, Main Line Art Center,
Philadelphia Art Alliance, and the Tyler School of Art.
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