he six graders were given a task to put their English in use by creating a new country. They were put into teams and assigned different tasks to develop a new functioning country where they would like to live. They were in charge of making everything; from the laws to the transportation system. This was done digitally, first using an application on their iPads to make a mind map, and then using Keynote to make a presentation that would be presented later to the whole class
In order to fully understand the parts of a country we had a guest speaker come in and talk to the class, Mr. Juan Verde. Mr. Verde came and talked about his experience while working for a government in both the United States and around the world. He explained how he worked with a lot of political leaders to help make countries a better place. He shared many things that he has learned traveling and working in a wide range of countries, and the number one thing he emphasized was the ability of communicating in ENGLISH! Students were encouraged and expected to ask Mr. Verde at least one question at the end of his presentation. it was a real honor to have him at our school.