Workshop 18.19 1 | Page 14

"F a t J a c k"

H e a l t h y l i f e workshop

We discussed healthy habits that can attribute to a healthy lifestyle apart from a healthy diet. Some of the things we learned were that going to bed early and waking up early help both our minds and bodies function better. We also talked about staying hydrated while sticking to a regular exercise routine and always making sure that we ate a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables

I told the children that I had a friend called "Fat Jack" and he was going to get married but wanted to lose weight before his wedding. We all brainstormed ideas for a healthy routine that jack could do to get in shape and shed some unwanted weight before his big wedding day. The children were able to apply their knowledge to help somebody else who wanted to live a healthier lifestyle


One of the projects that we did this year was, ‘’Talk through a String Telephone’’.

In this little project, our students from 3º were able to make their own telephones with just two plastic cups and a string. More importantly, they learned how our vocal cords make molecules in the air vibrate when we talk. Based on this, we’ve made our telephone using a tightly-pulled string that vibrates and turns the bottom of each cup into a ‘’ microphone’’ and ‘’speaker’’

F u n s c i e n c e s

3th G R A D E