Words of Wisdom Magazine 1 | Page 17

not even a month earlier he had told me that the chemotherapy was not going to be aggressive enough for him to lose his hair.

A week later he shaved his own head so no one else in my family would have to see him loose anymore hair. Even though this was such a small action it broke my whole family's heart.

Before my dad had cancer, he was always the life of the party, always making jokes. While he was battling this disease, this juvenile attitude disappeared. He would try to bring back some of his old habits while undergoing chemotherapy but he was always too tired, it was not the same. Before my dad was diagnosed, he also would get angry over little things in life, soon after going through his treatment he realized that there are more important things in the world and would not get as angry.

Finding out my dad had cancer was one of the hardest things in my life so far because I wanted to help him. Instead I was stuck on the sidelines, only being able to maintain a positive attitude.

My dad is now 4 years cancer free. Whenever I look back at this time it makes me feel sick, I have never seen my whole family in such pain, and I hope I will never have to again. My whole family now sees that we need to spend every day as if it is our last because you never really know what the future has in store. Even though this was one of the saddest events in my life I am happy that it happened because it helped me grow as a person by having a new, positive perspective on life.