May-June, 2013 Vol. 26, No. 3
Woodworking Observations
It was a year ago that I was contacted by the Furniture Society—the national organization of studio furnituremakers—about holding its 2013 conference in Los Angeles. My immediate suggestion was to do it the third week of June to coincide with Dwell on Design, the major modern design show. Given the Furniture Society has only been involved in the East Coast furniture shows (including Architectural Digest and the International Contemporary Furniture Fair), it was about time that the group be represented on the West Coast. At the same time, I have always found Dwell lacking in representation of handcrafted studio furnishings, both in its print publication and at its shows. This could only be a win-win situation for both organizations. I made the initial overture to Dwell and received a positive response, and Steffi Dotson of the Furniture Society was able to work out an arrangement, including hosting the Faculty Select student exhibition on the Dwell show floor. In the past, the Furniture Society conferences have taken place on college campuses or at art centers with significant furniture programs. Though there are schools with woodworking, art, and architectural departments, there are none in the Los Angeles-area with a major emphasis on furniture, which is sad given the impact that Southern California has had, historically, on furniture design. So finding a location for a traditional conference format was problematic. Steffi took what we call the “Los Angeles as a Classroom” approach and has put together a 4-day program to exploit the diversity in this region, by utilizing sites across the Southland for tours, exhibitions, and presentations—anchored at Dwell’s site: the L.A. Convention Center. A preliminary overview of activities is presented in this issue, and I refer you to the Furniture Society’s web site—www.furnituresociety. org—for the latest details in order to partake in this unique opportunity.
WOODWORKER WEST (ISSN 1080-0042) is published bi-monthly to promote craftsmanship in woodworking throughout the Western U.S. The information contained within has been collected in cooperation with external sources and is believed to be accurate. The views expressed are not necessarily the views of Woodworker West. Copyright, Woodworker West, 2013.
RONALD J. GOLDMAN – Publisher PAM GOLDMAN – Editor Mailing address: P.O. Box 452058 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Telephone: (310) 216-9265 Fax: (310) 216-9274 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.woodwest.com
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Ron Goldman
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