The San Diego Fine Woodworkers will feature master craftsman Frank Klausz at its 2013 Fall Seminar, Sept. 20-22. Held this year in the auditorium of San Diego’s Francis Parker School, Frank will give an overview of his work on Friday and, on Saturday and Sunday, demonstrate such techniques as mortise & tenon joinery, tapering legs, building and fitting a drawer, cutting and fitting a rule joint, and hand cutting dovetails. Non-member registration is $150, including breakfasts and lunches (Saturday and Sunday), drinks throughout the seminar, door prizes, and SDFWA membership. For info, visit the web site: www.sdfwa.org or call Ed Gladney, (858) 484-4366.
July 13-14 Sharpening and Hand Tool Tune Up
William Ng
national marquetry SYMPOSIUM
The American Marquetry Society’s 2013 Symposium will be held Sept. 12-14 in Lakewood, CO. This event includes an Opening Reception for the National Marquetry Show at the Lakewood Arts Council Gallery on Sept. 12, marquetry demonstrations at Red Rock Community College on Sept. 13, and a symposium program and dinner on Sept. 14. Keynote speaker will be Silas Kopf, with other featured presentations by Dave Peck, Rich Gady, and Chris Laschinger. Registration is $25, with a extra $50 for a special Silas Kopf seminar. For info, visit the website: www.comarquetry.org or contact Dave Kisker, (303) 862-6866.
July 15-19 Joinery Techniques July 29-August 2 Greene & Greene Inspired Coffee Table
carving & craft shows
July 13-14 Pacific Flyway Decoy Wildfowl Art Show at Doubletree Hotel, Sacramento, CA. For info: Fritz Zanker (530) 894-5951. July 19-21 Olympic Driftwood Sculptors Art Show at the Sequim Middle School. Sequim, WA. For info: Barbara Ralph, (360) 681-2535. Aug. 3-11 Woodcarving Expo at Sioux Empire Fair Art Center, Sioux Falls, SD. For info: (605) 359-7067. Aug. 10-11 Santa Anita Wood Carvers at Senior Citizens Building, Arcadia, CA. For info: Bob Young (626) 571-1079. Sept 14-15 Central Coast Carvers at Veteran’s Hall, Cayucos, CA. For info: Ed Zirbel (805)927-3951. Sept. 14-15 Columbia Flyway Wildfowl Show, Vancouver, WA. For info: Don Baiar, (360) 892-6738.
August 3-4 Inlay Techniques
August 12-16 Making Custom Cabinets
Specializing in Wood from the Pacific Northwest
California Claro Walnut
Slabs • Planks • Blocks Custom Milling and Sanding
& other Western Hardwoods
By the Board or By the Flitch
July 8-12 Wood Turning with Jimmy Clewes
July 20-21 Finishing Techniques with Brian Miller
August 5-9 Period Furniture Carving Boris Khechoyan For more inFormation or to register: wnwoodworkingschool.com • 714-993-4215 1340 N Dynamics 7G&VWB?V??B???V???4?vR#P????S3?#c??#0??GG???wwr?v??F?WB?6???V??VwW7B?#0???6??W2C???f?6?BW2??F?R??FW&?W@??v??Gv?&?W"vW7@????