Woodbridge Flyer Magazine WoodbridgeFlyer_Apr2019_For_Web | Page 8

Our Community The Flyer Ipswich Flower Club News We would like to invite you to our meeting on 8th April when our demonstrator Vicki Hease will be presenting “Treasured Moments Part 1”. The meeting starts at 2.00pm at St Augustine’s Church Hall on Bucklesham Road. The cost for visitors is £5 which includes tea & biscuits. You will be warmly welcomed if you just turn up, or for more information please contact Janet 01473 415749. The demonstrator on 13th May will be Alan Smith whose presentation is entitled “Floral Magic” The fl ower club meets regularly on the second Monday afternoon of the month. We also have six workshops during the year on a Friday afternoon which are suitable for all standards of fl ower arrangers. The workshop on 3rd May will be a Modern Contemporary Arrangement and will be tutored by Janet Greengrass. If you are interested in the workshop which will cost £5, please phone Stella 01473 711946 for more details and to book a place. What’s Cooking at Deben Rotary? The Rotary Club of Woodbridge Deben are hosting a butchery and cookery demonstration at St.Michaels Church Hall Martlesham Heath on Thursday 25th April. The evening, featuring master butcher Rotarian Duncan Foulger and master chef Rotarian Peter Senior, begins at 6.30 and ends with a 2 course meal. Tickets are £12 to include the meal and all profi ts will go to Rotary supported charities. They are available from Rotarian Martin Kenyon on 01394 386933, or from Duncans butchery on Martlesham Heath. The club is pleased to announce that we will be participating in several community events over the course of Spring and Summer. We will be at Woodbridge On Show, and at Kesgrave Fun Day, Marlesham Village Day, Woodbridge Regatta and Melton Fete with our information gazebo and games. Please come and se eus at these events to try your luck on one of our games or just to fi nd out what we do in Deben Rotary. Watch out for further announcements about these events in due course. Our Annual Charity Golf Day takes place on July 18th at St.Audrys Golf Club. This year half the profi ts will go to support the East Suffolk Prostate Cancer Support Group. Details and an entry form are available from Rotarian Simon Smith on 01473 612410 or from our website debenrotary.org.uk What is Equity Release Equity release refers to a range of products letting you access the equity (cash) tied up in your home if you are over the age of 55. You can take the money you release as a lump sum or, in several smaller amounts or a combination of both. You have the option to fi x the rate of interest for the life of mortgage, this prevents the interest spiralling out of control for the lifetime of the loan. You get to keep and stay in your own home, as the loan is only repaid at the end of your mortgage term which is either at death or if you have to move into long term care. You can now even port your lifetime mortgage to another property if you want to move later on in life, the new property must meet your current providers criteria and the loan amount still needs to be within the loan to value limit on offer, but you can also make a part repayment if this is possible. You can use equity release for almost anything for example to repay a current mortgage to free up monthly income, help you to move home, pay off debts, spend it on holidays or home improvements, gifts to family and lots more. As equity release becomes more popular the equity release providers are improving the products they have on offer, you now have the option to pay between 10 and 15 percent of the mortgage balance per year without charge, this can slow or prevent the interest rolling up and you can stop and start this to suit your lifestyle. If you are thinking of looking into equity release it is always worth talking through face to face with a local broker, I am able to look at the whole market, so if I can be of any help then please feel free to give me a call to arrange a suitable time to meet you, this can either be at your home or my offi ce. Woodbridge WI Woodbridge WI rounded off 2018 with a splendid party including WI special speed dating, fi endish quizzes and of course great food. Now we look forward to another year of interesting speakers, visits to various places of interest and outings to the theatre and cinema. We began with a Representative from Great Blakenham Recyling Plant who updated us on the correct way to recycle our household and garden rubbish. In February it was our 40th anniversary and Mark Mitchell’s was our speaker. His subject was a Brief History of the Suffolk Landscape and explained how Suffolk has evolved since the 1300’s. For our March meeting we will be hearing The Craft of Comic Verse with Erik Punaks and in April we will be hearing about the Food Culture and Language of Japan. A walk for the Associated Country Women of the World is also happening in April and we will be joining in the local Litter Pick. We, along with other organisations in the town, will be at the Community Hall on the 6th April so if you would like more information come and visit us there. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Methodist Hall in St John’s Street and would give you a warm welcome. You can also phone our President Margaret Lury on 01394 610596 for further details. Letters to the Editor Send your club news, reports, events and articles to News desk, The Flyer, Flyer House, Bridge Road, Felixstowe IP11 7SL or email newsdesk@fl yeronline.co.uk 8 TH E FLYER | A PR IL 2019 Pl ease menti on ‘The Fl yer’ when respondi ng to adv e rti s e me nts