Wong Fong Express January 2014 | Page 22

内 部 新 闻 On The Home Front J ayson Lok Joined 12 September 2013 Business Development Executive, Sales Department With an interest in the crane industry, Jayson aims to expand and improve Wong Fong’s current product offerings by discovering and incorporating new technologies sourced from Europe into our business. 由于对起重机行业有着浓厚的兴趣, 建良希望可以发掘更多来自 欧洲的最新科技, 并把它们融入到黄芳机器厂相关的业务之中, 从而扩展与提升我们现有 的产品。 Enrolled in a part-time degree in Electrical Engineering, he likes to play basketball and badminton. 除了用业余时间攻读电子工程的学士学位, 他也喜欢打篮球和羽毛球。 L im Seow Tyng Joined 17 September 2013 Senior Accounts Executive, Accounts Department On the back of prior industry accounting experience, Seow Tyng arrived to shore up our accounts capabilities. 由于晓婷拥有会计行业的相关经验, 她的到来可以帮助黄芳机械厂 更好地处理有关会计帐目的工作。 Doing a part-time course in accounting and finance, she likes to play badminton in her spare time. 除了在业余时间里攻读有关会计与金融方面的课程, 她也喜欢打羽毛球。 J ohnny Tang Joined 18 October 2013 Supply Chain Manager, Purchasing & Store Department Familiar with the name and reputation of Wong Fong from his previous job in the waste management industry, Johnny brings with him his wealth of experience in supply chain management. 志刚在上一份工作中就熟悉了黄芳在废物处理行业的名气与行业地位, 因此 他选择加入黄芳, 同时也把自己在供应链管理方面的丰富经验带到了现在的工作中。 These days he likes to engage in recreational photography, especially taking photographs of his family. 近来他喜欢上了休闲摄影, 尤其喜欢给他的家人拍照。 L uigi Memola Joined 16 September 2013 Lead Designer, WFRIC From Italy, Luigi joins WFRIC after three years in the international design scene and is excited with the possibility of sharing his ideas, while creating great designs from nothin ˈ9g*9f