WonderLife 2.0, September 2018, Issue2 | Page 8

N A T I O N A L P R E S I D E N T S P E A K S Tr. Dhruv Dalmia Friends A quarter gone by and I am amazed to see the energy we have at Round Table & Ladies Circle. While we at RT & LC India have been doing some outstanding projects, community service activities and out of the box initiatives in the last quarter and in the last many years, we have made a mark in the international circuit thanks to the support from various associations supporting Round Table India & Ladies Circle India. We have now reached an important juncture where we can spread our wings and reach out to the world and support the movement in a larger way. With Table Extension in Gold Coast & now in Malaysia, we look at extending footprints globally as we believe in promoting the Extension of the association. The upcoming world meet 2020 and the work involved in ensuring our proposal and hard work pays off, has ensured RT India will go a long way in connecting internationally and delivering the best to the movement. Kudos to each Tabler & Circler for the amazing quarter gone by and the innumerable recognitions, awards and achievements received - this simply showcases the might of the movement and where we are heading. A lot done and a lot more to be done, while we focus on our goals, let us remember to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment in the journey. Looking forward to an amazing NAGM at Jaipur where Area 12 & JPRT171 have put in their best to give you the most memorable days of your life. Live Life every moment - 8 -