Wonder Volume 1 | Page 3

Is recovery hard?

Recovery is so so hard, because the thoughts don't just go away overnight. They're there all the time to fight your progress.

Is there anyone you look up to in helping your recovery?

I look up to a few people, Demi Lovato mainly. But also now my mum, nan, family. If I need support I know I can go to them.

What quote helps you when you’re feeling down?

'Stay strong', 'You are beautiful', 'It'll be okay'; That’s the stuff I tell myself when im finding things hard.

What do you do to help you when you’re feeling like you might relapse?

When I feel like I’m going to relapse, I generally just talk to someone, tell them that I’m feeling down. Not to necessarily talk about what’s bothering me, but so that they know and help distract me. That or if I’m on my own I listen to happy music, or watch something. There are certain films and songs that are so triggering I haven’t watched or listened to them since I tried to kill myself.

What is your advice to other people going through the same thing?

Advice? Stay strong. I know it’s overused, but its what you have to tell yourself. Things will get better, and everything happens for a reason so maybe this is just a chapter of your life that isn’t the best, but you will get out of the darkness soon, I promise. There’s something great just waiting to happen :)

"Things WILL get better." -Hayley, 17