Feel like rocking that itsi bitsi bikini? Go for it! Doesn’t matter if you have a slim figure, or a full figure. Wear that bikini and rock the hell out of it! Those people staring are just admiring how fabulous you look! If you get any snickers, shoulders back, head up, because you look fierce! Feel like wearing that speedo today? Wear the speedo. It doesn’t matter what others say if you like it, wear it. You will rock it. Don’t cover up your body when you go to the beach. You have a lovely body, regardless what others might think.
Healthy eating is great, and it tastes good too! I mean who doesn’t like strawberries, watermelons or apples? However, eating healthy does not mean you can’t have your cake and eat it too! Eat what you want when you want! If you want that pie EAT THE PIE! Whatever you eat do so in moderation! We wouldn’t want you getting sick to your stomach because of over eating!
Ladies and gentlemen of the world we have breaking news! You do NOT have to shave if you don’t want to! I’ll wait a while so this can settle in. You do what’s comfortable for you. If you are a female and don’t want to shave your pits or your legs? Then don’t shave them. If you’re a guy and want to shave your pits or your legs? Shave them. It’s all about making you comfortable. Other people might stare, that is not your problem. That is theirs. You do you.
Throw away the magazines that tell you the only way to happiness is being thin. Stop listening to those commercials that make you hate yourself. Read what makes you love yourself, talk only to those that bring out the best in you. Stop hating yourself because you are amazing.
THERE YOU GO! These are our tips to having the best summer body yet! Remember! This summer enjoy yourself! Try not to let the negative thoughts get hold of you! And make sure you tweet or send us a picture of you having an amazing summer! We’d love to see it!