Women's Reform Labor Union 1 | Page 3

The Female Labor Reform Association Is the Right Organization to Join

There are many unions of workers of all kinds coming together to fight for better treatment of the workers overall. All of these unions use many different ways to convince their enemy to give in.

Just a few days ago, the Female Labor Reform Association submitted a petition with over 10,000 names on the list. Many still wanted to sign after the petition date. This many workers acted and risked their job to follow a dream every working lady wants. The businessmen do not understand the pain of all of the workers. It is just the right thing to do to join a union and specifically all the females to the Female Labor Reform Association.

This petition needs as many names as it can get. One extra name makes a big difference. The more people that stand by this organization, the more power there is for the workers and the more of the possibility that there will be better working conditions.

Even though you risk your job for this wonderful opportunity for all workers, the dream all workers have will come true. If that dream is there and alive in the world, it is so easy to get a job again. This dream is important to so many workers and the petition by the Female Labor Reform Association is the key to unlock this dream into reality.

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