Julie G: Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt recap
By Julie Golob
“For 70 years Wyoming men have held
On December 10, 1869, Wyoming became the
first state in the Union to grant women the right their own “One Shot Antelope Hunt,”
to vote. Continuing with the pioneering tradition, but instead of bragging rights and a
2 Wyoming women — Wyoming Supreme
team race to shoot the most antelope
Court Chief Justice Marilyn Kite and her sisterwith a single round in the shortest time,
in-law Karey Stebner — dreamed the concept
the inaugural women’s event had an
of the 1st Annual Wyoming Women’s Antelope
entirely different goal.”
Hunt. Just as Wyoming led the way in the
women’s suffrage movement more than a
century ago, the hunt organizers and founders
Teaming with Richelle Keinath, Rebekah Smith,
hoped to do the same for women and hunting in Kathryn Boswell, Beth Worthen and many
the Equality State.
others of the WYWF and Wyoming Game &
Fish, more than 30 women hunters from all
For 70 years Wyoming men have held their
walks of life made their ways, despite the threat
own “One Shot Antelope Hunt,” but instead of
of impending blizzard conditions, to The Ranch
bragging rights and a team race to shoot the
at Ucross. The Ranch’s Vickie Abbott and Eric
most antelope with a single round in the
Wilhelm worked tirelessly with generous
shortest time, the inaugural wom [