Women's Network September 2018 | Page 45

business clique People connect with authenticity. When you present as a ‘real’ person, it makes people feel comfortable. They connect more readily with you. Nic says being authentic in business is not about hiding behind a million-dollar facade, “but storytelling your journey as a brand. Storytelling has become a game changing concept that brands are using to invest their followers into the journey of their brand. There is a certain level of vulnerability in this, but it's working in an authentic way,” she said. Angela believes a big part of being vulnerable is sharing not only your wins but your losses. “It is so easy to show up on social media when things are going well. People love seeing others winning. But real life is not all about winning. There are many times when things do not go according to plan. Sharing these losses in a way that people can relate to and learn from builds trust and credibility,” she said. Prosper Taruvinga, a digital marketing expert, believes people buy from those they know, like and trust. “In this world of constant, ‘look at me, look at me, people want to do business with those they relate to. Not all that glitters is gold, and our clients know that we too if we are human also go to the bathroom,” he said. The challenge for those building their brand is how are you to strike the emotions of those you want to influence if they don't know you? The secret lies in the power of storytelling. Prosper says the more you tell, the more relatable you become. “Once your audience relates to you or gets you, they tend to share or buy that story. The more you don’t showcase your ‘human’ side, you’re relegated to the faceless corporation basket. People these days are entitled to be in the ‘know’ of where their products and services are coming from.” vulnerabilities in a way that build loyalty rather than erode confidence.” Susan Jones from Living Lines, a branding agency working with small to medium size businesses, says if you understand why people connect with brands, it adds power to your story. “Today they connect with real stories, real values and real environmental and community issues... they want to know WHY you went into business and your journey to where you are today,” she said. She agrees with Nicole – people are savvier these days. They have the world at the end of their fingertips. When it comes to being vulnerable, you have to be careful. “Do they want to work with someone who looks inexperienced, and struggling... That sort of honestly is a risk and flags to the purchaser that their price should be significantly cheaper than their competition eroding any chance of growing business through profitable transactions,” Susan said. “Real human vulnerability, authenticity and connection with the audience should be encouraged, but managed very carefully. When it erodes confidence in the quality of service or products, negotiations start and brand value drops. “A brand must appear consistently at every touch point with the customers and every brand impression works together to tell a story. Authenticity is vital, so package those AUTHOR ANNETTE DENSHAM The Publicity Genie team www.publicitygenie.com AUTHOR BECCA MCGREGOR The Publicity Genie team www.publicitygenie.com Women’s Network Magazine 45