business clique
There is a story attributed to Henry Miller about a little boy who lived in
India who walks up to a Guru – an Indian wise man – who is sitting and
looking at something in his hand. The little boy asks him – What is that?
“It’s a cocoon,” the guru tells him.
“Inside the cocoon is a butterfly. Soon the cocoon is going to split and
come out.” “
“Could I have it ?” asks the little boy.
“Yes,” says the guru, “but you must promise me that when the cocoon splits
and the butterfly starts to come out and he is beating his wings to get out
of the cocoon, you wont help him. Don’t help the butterfly by breaking the
cocoon apart. Let him do it by himself.”
The little boy promised, took the cocoon, went home with it, and then sat
and watched it. Finally he saw it begin to vibrate and move and quiver, and
finally the cocoon split. Inside was a beautiful, damp butterfly, frantically
beating its wings against the cocoon, trying to get out and not seeming to
be able to do it. The little boy desperately wanted to help. Finally he gave
in and disobeyed the the guru’s orders. He pushed the two halves of the
cocoon apart, and the butterfly sprang apart. But as soon as it got up in
the air, it fell down to the ground and was killed. In tears the little boy took
the butterfly back to the guru and showed him
There are many times that you can
feel like this in your business. You
are go through periods of growth
that are overwhelming, difficult
and painful.
This story highlights the
importance that when you are in
one of those “situations” where you
feel locked in and overwhelmed
or dissatisfied, keep beating those
wings. Keep focused on the goal in
front of you.
The situation is making you
stronger to experience what is
coming next – and it is going to
get better. So often what seems
harsh or cruel in nature is in reality
wisdom and kindness for the time
ahead. Embrace those growth
moments in your business they are
taking you to the next level.
“You see, little boy,” the guru said, “ you pushed open the cocoon didn’t
“Yes” said the little boy. And the guru said, “You don’t understand. You
didn’t see what you were doing. When the butterfly comes out of the
cocoon, the only way he can strengthens his wings is by beating them
against the cocoon. It beats against the cocoon so its muscles will grow.
When you helped the way you did you prevented it from getting strong.
That’s why the butterfly fell to the ground and was killed.”
Rachael Downie
0427 861 202
Women’s Network Magazine