Women's Network February 2019 | Page 36

HOW TO SOUND APOLOGETIC: T A H W R E T T A M NO YO U I N T EN D E D J acqueline Nagle decided recently to start a conversation firmly focussed on being completely UNAPOLOGETIC whenever we speak…but first it is important to share just how you may be unconsciously apologising to your audience from the moment you take to the stage. 36 Women’s Network Magazine tip #1 tip #2 As you open you have just moments to make an impact. This is not the time to introduce yourself and why you are here – ‘Hi my name is Jacqueline and I want to talk to you about resilience’.  Don’t tell me – show me. Open straight into a story that is going to get attention.  Don’t open softly, telling people something they already know, because that subtly tells us you are pleading with us to listen to you.  You’ve just opened with an unconscious apology for taking up our time. At the Global Speakers Summit in Auckland 2018, Fredrik Haren – a global speaking powerhouse – left a lasting impression with one piece of advice. Do not open with a question unless you know at least 90% of your audience will answer yes or no. It really is an absolute with aspiring speakers because it instantly made sense. In the first few moments you are working to have your audience trust you, to believe they should give you their time. The last thing you want is their minds going off on tangents pondering the question you just asked – in the exact You have just moments to make an impact Ditch the Opening Question