Women's Network August 2019 | Page 47

August/ 2019 All living things have cellular memory - that means that your responses to events and decisions are generally the same as you have ‘trained’ yourself to respond to, and some of them go way back to childhood. Unless you have worked to change these responses! Fear, trauma, grief and more get locked in our bodies and they arise when it is time to deal with them, so let them go or heal from the inside out. In her work with emotions and soul, helping people heal from the inside Karen inspires women and children to write ‘new stories’ to respond to events and challenges, and thereby become more confident in the decisions that they make for themselves. This includes women who need to make decisions for their business or workplace. We receive messages from our body all the time. As Karen works from a holistic view, she suggests that we always consider the messages our subconscious is sharing with us in body, soul and inner spirit. How can this help me with decision-making? feel - does it increase or decrease? Does the pain move? Notice. If the decision is truly aligned with the real you, you will know instinctively that it is the right decision for you. Then ask yourself, what is your instinct with the instruction? Was there an alternative that popped into your head at that moment? Is it something you feel good about doing? Is it something that feels aligned with who you are (your beliefs and the inner you)? Or is it the opposite? When you make a decision for your business, how do you feel? Do you make the decision without thinking about it, or are you consumed by a feeling, emotion or energy, or fear at that moment of decision? If you feel nausea, or pain in any way - notice it. Where do you feel the pain? What type of pain? Ask your body what message it is trying to send you? You may wonder why Karen suggests that this mindful process can help you in making decisions. Some examples to help you … if someone suggests you do something at work and you feel sick in the stomach … pause. Notice. Ask your body what the message is. Is it fear? Does it feel aligned with the true you? If you try to physically put a foot forward, how does the feeling Notice where the pain is. If it is nausea in the stomach … ask yourself ‘is there something that makes me feel threatened at this particular moment or decision?’ Pause. Notice. Ask yourself the questions. If the pain is in your feet - notice and ask yourself ‘what could be stopping me moving forward?’ Is it fear, or uncertainty, or an inner refusal that needs looking at?’ And, alternatively, if you feel an absolute joy or inner knowing filling your body, go with it. It is the right decision for you and you can let the magic happen. Women’s Network Magazine 47