Women's Network August 2019 | Page 42

Could you have a negative attitude without even realising it? The work performance of even the most self-aware people can be compromised by an unconscious negative attitude. We know from research that our mindset directly impacts our success. The power lies with us to mind our attitude and develop a growth mindset. Here's how. Negative attitudes are formed through habitual negative thinking. These habits that are so ingrained that many of us are not even aware of them. For example, you may subconsciously expect failure or disappointment, which in turn attracts those results. Or perhaps you hold insecure self-beliefs that hold you back from achieving. Your attitude is the foundation for your success and your failures. It gives rise to your actions, which then generate results–with the wrong attitude; you've failed before you've even begun. To support your success, it pays to challenge your subconscious beliefs and nurture a positive attitude. 42 Women’s Network Magazine Try these 5 simple daily steps: 1. Breathe Breathe, deliberately and deeply from your belly. Deep breathing during the day can keep us on track when stress levels rise, and make room in our minds for our most innovative ideas. 2. Mind your thoughts Mindfully choosing our thoughts is one of the most powerful things we can do to take charge of our lives. Taking five minutes to select positive thoughts starts the day off with the right attitude. 3. Start a gratitude list Record five things you are grateful for every day. According to psychologist Robert Emmons, keeping a gratitude journal promotes a positive life attitude. At the end of the week you will be surprised how this helps your mindset. 4. Set your intention for the day It needn't be significant, rather simply set an intention of how you want the day to end. For example, what is one thing you can do that will make you feel good at the end of the day? 5. Tune inwards Forgo your usual morning listening to the daily news, or social media and instead listen to your favourite music, a podcast you’ve been meaning to play, or simply observe your surroundings. Enjoy the benefits of a more positive and relaxed mindset.