Women's Network August 2019 | Page 25

S ally was at the local Leagues Club to listen to an industry leader share their insights in a field that she had recently taken a lot of interest in. It was advertised as a workshop. Since it was free, she was expecting there to be some sales pitches throughout and at the follow up. First up she saw a pull up banner advertising the speaker and then there was an unmanned registration desk that had name- tags laid out on it. They were not in any particular order but she eventually found her name and noticed a bowl with a sign to drop in her business card for the lucky door prize. Sally was greeted very warmly by the venue staff who indicated to her where the refreshment station was. People were getting their refreshments, some were talking, but most had headed straight to a seat in the back row, and Sally joined them. Someone that looked like the Presenter, was at the front of the room mucking around with cables, trying to get a laptop to work, while a guest who is in IT helped them trying valiantly to get the sound working. Eventually it was all up and running, and the last of the guests took their seat and the presentation started. With the presentation over, Sally left the event feeling like she had wasted her time. However, she also had a lecture pad full of notes on how this Presenter could have produced a much better workshop and achieved the follow on business they were attempting to garner. Yes that’s right, this was a ‘sales seminar’, not a ‘workshop’ as advertised where some information was shared, some sales pitches thrown in for good measure, and then a little bit more information. There were no informative stories, case studies or solutions, just sales pitch after sales pitch. In fact it was so filled with sales pitches, Sally believes that she could probably sell you the product right now. Sally felt that she couldn’t let this person go on destroying their brand in this way, so she called them and offered to meet with them and share how she thought they could have produced a much more effective workshop, and still sold their product at the same time. Here’s what Sally told them: + + Begin the journey from the moment people book. On arrival at the venue, make it really easy for people to find the room that the event is in. + + Once the room is found, the registration desk MUST be manned. + + + At registration you need to explain what will happen with people’s business cards after you have taken them home. If there’s room, put out some sales information that people can pick up and take with them. Another tool to have INSIDE the room is a table that has brochures, products or information displayed so again, there is something to distract people if they don’t feel like talking to strangers. But most critically, YOU, the host, should be at the refreshment station, mingling, networking and introducing guests to each other. + + + + August/ 2019 BUT you shout, I’ll be sorting out the AV and getting my presentation ready! No you won’t, because you will have gone through your pre- event checklist, at least 1.5 hours prior to doors opening. Throughout your presentation, it’s ok to pitch your products and services to your guests. They are EXPECTING it! Make sure you fill your gift bags (yes you need them) with valuable tools and takeaway material on your services. And don't forget to include information about what they need to do next. And how do you make sure your guests get all this information? You will be standing at the door shaking everyone’s hands as they exit, giving them a gift bag with all this information in it. So next time you want to promote your products or services, or just want to share some knowledge with people, think about delivering a workshop, paid or free, that not only gives them knowledge and tools, but also demonstrates for them, when it’s important to call in a professional. While we’re pretty clever, it’s good to know at what point we should call in a professional. A U T H O R S AL LY P O R T E O U S [email protected] redlanyard.com.au Women’s Network Magazine 25