Women's Network August 2019 | Page 43

August/ 2019 What’s the big picture? Your set of attitudes, known as a mindset, has the ability to change the course of your life. Esteemed research from Dr. Carol Dweck found that hard work and resilience are much more important to growth and success than brains or talent. People with a 'growth mindset,' believe their current ability and characteristics are merely a starting point for development and their ability to achieve more and overcome deficiencies is not limited. A growth mindset allows them to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives. 11 WAYS TO DEVELOP YOUR GROWTH MINDSET: 1. 4. Denying your shortcomings mean you’ll never overcome them. The brain isn’t fixed; your mind shouldn’t be either. Remember, the brain can be trained like a muscle. 2. See challenges as opportunities. 5. Having a growth mindset means taking opportunities for self-improvement. Mistakes and setbacks aren't a mark of failure; they're an opportunity to learn. Embrace imperfections. Engage brain plasticity. Learning surpasses failing. 3. Be open to diverse learning tactics. What works for one person may not work for you. Learn about learning strategies. Women’s Network Magazine 43