Women's Network August 2019 | Page 40

DR NKS A few quiet on your well-deserved holidays? On New Year’s Eve 2012, Australian Liam Davies was celebrating with mates on Gili Trawangan, a tourist island off the north-west coast of Lombok. “Do you serve genuine imported spirits?” he asked the bartender, before ordering a vodka and lime. “Yes” they said. They lied. Within days Liam was dead of methanol poisoning. Sorry to be depressing, but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to methanol. Who would have thought, that something like having a little drink on holidays, could turn out so tragically. Every traveller who drinks spirits overseas needs to know about methanol. Methanol poisoning is a dangerous but grossly underestimated risk to travellers. Poisoning can happen anywhere, but it is more common where home-brewed spirits are widely available, such as Indonesia, Thailand or Vietnam. Bar owners may lace spirits with methanol (aka ‘bootleg’) to increase profits. Methanol is tasteless and odourless.  40 Women’s Network Magazine The first symptoms of methanol poisoning feel like a hangover - even from one drink. It can take several hours after consumption before the symptoms of methanol poisoning appear. It becomes like a super hangover; bad headache, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, breathlessness, impaired vision and, in severe cases, blindness (which can be permanent). It just keeps getting worse, the body shuts down, and the poisoning leads to convulsions, coma and death. Urgent skilled medical care is required if the person has any hope of surviving. Usually by the time people realise its really serious, it istoo late. But this is a completely avoidable problem – if you know about it. The best way to prevent methanol poisoning is don’t drink spirits or