Women's Network April 2018 | Page 43

business clique M ore women are opting out of the corporate world to establish their own small business with many being home based. Thanks to easier access to digital connectivity, mobility and changes in the way that people are seeking to access services via their smart devices in the comfort of their own home. Establishing their own business has a number of advantages including the freedom to be the ultimate decision maker on the type of service or product that they provide. Stamping their own personalised brand on how it will be delivered, being flexible with the number of hours that they need to work and most importantly to create their own financial independence. This enables them to maximise their career choices during their working life and the capacity for economic security for their retirement. While there are obvious challenges along the way that need to be considered especially if they have a family, they can use this flexibility to be more creative in achieving a better work life balance. to get feedback from others before they make a purchase, requires a major rethink. Both large and small businesses need to develop a more integrated marketing campaign that goes beyond the traditional costs of advertising in magazines, on commercial television and posting mailouts. Some of the reasons that can motivate a woman to build a successful business include a burning desire to be a Trail Blazer, someone who has identified what their purpose of Mumpreneurs in Australia and their networking ability is a testament to the benefits of investing in each other’s dreams. While having a mentor or coach is helpful, they also need to have an advocate that has a strong belief in their abilities to put in the hard yards that are required to build a successful business. This is someone who will challenge and support them throughout the entire journey. Networking is important to expand our circle of influence, however it is building successful relationships and collaborating with others that we respect and admire that will enable us to decide the best way forward for our specific business or service. We need to be prepared to listen to their advice, keep asking questions and be open to exploring other pathways that we may not have originally considered. Even if your dream to start your own business seems a rather ambitious project to others, your purpose, passion and determination will ultimately keep you on track to succeed. The growing number of Mumpreneurs in Australia and their networking ability is a testament to the benefits of investing in each other’s dreams. The ability to research and access information online has never been easier. However, it still takes courage, time, financial capital, and technical prowess and ingenuity to be able to back themselves to push through the fear and take that gigantic leap of faith that they can and will succeed. The growing trend of people accessing social media to find products and services as well as (mission) is in life and does whatever it takes to achieve this. Many successful businesses started by women may have come from a flash of inspiration during a conversation with friends, trying to solve a problem or an idea on how to develop a more affordable product or service. These trail blazers listened to the advice of others, reassessed whether they could obtain the capital needed to start up their business and/or sought investors who shared an interest in what they had to offer. The growing number So go find that Advocate and Champion that believes in YOU (if you haven’t already got one) and know that they have your back when the times get tough and you feel like quitting. Also know that they along with all your supporters will be there with the champagne to raise a toast to celebrate when you achieve your dreams. Women’s Network Magazine 43