• We firmly declare that LGBTQIA Rights are Human Rights and that it is our obligation to uplift , expand and protect the rights of our gay , lesbian , bi , queer , trans or gender non-conforming brothers , sisters and siblings . This includes access to non-judgmental , comprehensive healthcare with no exceptions or limitations ; access to name and gender changes on identity documents ; full anti- discrimination protections ; access to education , employment , housing and benefits ; and an end to police and state violence .
• We believe in an economy powered by transparency , accountability , security and equity . We believe that creating workforce opportunities that reduce discrimination against women and mothers allow economies to thrive . Nations and industries that support and invest in caregiving and basic workplace protections — including benefits like paid family leave , access to affordable childcare , sick days , healthcare , fair pay , vacation time , and healthy work environments — have shown growth and increased capacity .
• We believe in equal pay for equal work and the right of all women to be paid equitably . We must end the pay and hiring discrimination that women , particularly mothers , women of color , lesbian , queer and trans women still face each day in our nation . Many mothers have always worked and in our modern labor force ; and women are now 50 % of all family breadwinners . We stand for the 82 % of women who become moms , particularly moms of color , being paid , judged , and treated fairly . Equal pay for equal work will lift families out of poverty and boost our nation ’ s economy .
• We recognize that women of color carry the heaviest burden in the global and domestic economic landscape , particularly in the care economy . We further affirm that all care work--caring for the elderly , caring for the chronically ill , caring for children and supporting independence for people with disabilities--is work , and that the burden of care falls disproportionately on the shoulders of women , particularly women of color . We stand for the rights , dignity , and fair treatment of all unpaid and paid caregivers . We must repair and replace the systemic disparities that permeate caregiving at every level of society .
• We believe that all workers – including domestic and farm workers - must have the right to organize and fight for a living minimum wage , and that unions and other labor associations are critical to a healthy and thriving economy for all . Undocumented and migrant workers must be included in our labor protections , and we stand in solidarity with sex workers ’ rights movements .
• We believe Civil Rights are our birthright . Our Constitutional government establishes a framework to provide and expand rights and freedoms – not restrict them . To this end , we must protect and restore all the Constitutionally-mandated rights to all our citizens , including voting rights , freedom to worship without fear of intimidation or harassment , freedom of speech , and protections for all citizens regardless of race , gender , age or disability .
• We believe it is time for an all-inclusive Equal Rights Amendment to the U . S . Constitution . Most
Americans believe the Constitution guarantees equal rights , but it does not . The 14 th Amendment has been undermined by courts and cannot produce real equity on the basis of race and / or sex . And in a true democracy , each citizen ’ s vote should count equally . All Americans deserve equality guarantees in the Constitution that cannot be taken away or disregarded , recognizing the reality that inequalities intersect , interconnect and overlap .