letters to my sisters

Dear sisters in Christ.

As I spoke about in my last letter in regards to us preparing for the coming of Christ. (Isaiah 40:3) I want to share what God has been speaking to me about the last months, I hope and pray you will be blessed, because it is just now I see the big picture…

Sometimes we do not understand why we go through certain things and in a period of our life we yell out to God and ask Him, why? But now I see, and it made me stand stronger  Jesus died for us, so that we could be reborn and made free from sin (Romans 6:18).

God is longing for a true relationship with us. But God is pure and holy and does not tolerate sin! He has planned everything, He saw how Eve and Adam fell into sin, so he left us with a Helper(to keep us on the narrow path) and a Savior(to set us free) so that it could be possible to live without sin.

Many say God is love, and yes He is ,while keeping in mind that love is also being righteous, honest, holy and perfect in Him.

In this time we are living in, love is being defined in different forms such as are mindfulness, new age and Christians… Each form talks, speaks and proclaims love without really knowing what love is.

They say we have to love love love love, and forgive and love.

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