Why did she take the provocation for so many years? Hannah like many women in today's Christian church and society have to be provoked and humiliated constantly before they totally release their burdens to God. It may take losing a job, losing a child, losing a parent or a marriage to get us to be so provoked to go to God. We wear the mask as women in churches in abusive relationship. We dance sing, shout speak in tongues but after the service we go back home to the negative situation in our lives.

Some of us even preach the gospel fervently for years but still have the emotional affliction. An emotional affliction could be from being abused as a child and still carrying the emotional baggage for years. We are too afraid or ashamed to seek help from Almighty God simply by talking to Him as a close friend and telling Him how we truly feel. We also need to seek professional help through Christian counseling. Most times we refuse to do that. We share these dark intimate , painful moments of our lives to friends or relatives who sometimes humiliates us.

My friends, it is time for us to remove the masks and pour out our souls to God like Hannah (1 Samuel:15) even if it means we have to make a vow. Lets us do what it takes to get our healing and wholeness from God. Remember we are carriers of the worthy portion and our honest prayers will turn every negative situation in our lives to positive. God wants to open our wombs, We are carrying Prophet Samuels, are we ready to press forward in honest prayers? ( The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:15b)