Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivered them out of all." (Psalm 34:19)

Many times in our lives we go through trials and tribulation. I would personally call these afflictions.

What does the Word Affliction mean:


a state of pain, distress, or grief; misery: They sympathized with us in our affliction.


a cause of mental or bodily pain, as sickness, loss, calamity, or persecution. either afflicted physically, spiritually or emotionally. (Body, Soul and Spirit).

Many women in the kingdom of God have physical,emotional and spiritual afflictions. We are going to focus on three specific women in the Bible although there are many other women in the bible that had afflictions. I would like to speak about Hannah, The woman with the issue of blood, and the woman with the spirit of infirmity of 18 years. We are looking at women that are literally of Jewish background and heritage. What we term today as church folks. We see three types women in today's Christian society.

I want us to first take a look at Hannah( 1 Samuel 1 & 2. ) Hannah suffered from a few afflictions but, let's take a look at her emotional affliction. Hannah could not have a child, she was laughed at and ridiculed by her mate Peninnah every year when they went to Shiloh. We know that Hannah's husband loved her dearly and he gave her a WORTHY portion, but the Bible states that God had shut up her womb.(5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb1 Samuel 1:5) She was afflicted emotionally by the teasing and ridiculed by Peninnah about her bareness. Why did it take Hannah so many years before she could finally pour out her heart and soul to God?

By Marco Brewer