There will be times in your life when you just don’t know what to do. A time when as much as you love the Lord, that the mind to call upon Him doesn’t even seem to exist. It will be a time when all chaos and mayhem is breaking loose around you and you don’t know where to turn and don’t know who to trust. It’s a valley season. It’s a ‘walk through the valley of the shadow of death’ season where no one is allowed to come to your rescue. You are required in this season to sit still, be quiet, ponder the direction the Father is taking you to, and comply.

In this season you may feel as if the world is passing you by. It will seem as if you are invisible and that even if you cried out for help, no one would recognize your voice. It’s one of those solitary places in God where if He doesn’t draw you in, no one can. This place is so quiet that even the solitude seems loud. It’s your valley season.

The thing to keep in mind as you walk through this ‘valley’ is that you are not alone. The Father is there. And not only is Father there, but He comes with particular gear. He has a Rod and a Staff. The rod is used to protect you and stave off danger. But the staff is used to guide you into the place of safety and deliver you from evil. It has been custom designed with you in mind to draw you back to a place of safety if you wander too far and to bring you closer the Father so that He can closely inspect you to make sure you have not been injured.

My friend, this dark season won’t last always but while you are there, rest in the Savior’s bosom. Lean upon Him and find solace in nothing else. No one has been created to help you when you reach this spiritual place of the valley. The Lord Himself moves you far beyond anyone’s reach to assure that He will be the only source of your strength. Take courage and know that weeping may endure for a night, but morning is coming and you will see the breaking of day as pain gives way to joy.


In the bible, we read that man was created with a free will to make choices and decisions which he is responsible for. When the bible speaks of destiny, it is actually talking about the destiny that we have chosen upon ourselves. Just like Adam and Eve had a choice whether to obey God or disobey him, they were aware that there would be consequences brought upon them due to the choice that they had made.

Do we sin because we choose to? The bible says that many live as enemies of the Cross of Christ and their destiny is destruction, Philipians 3:18-19.

James 1:13-14 says, 'when tempted, no one should say that 'God is tempting me,' for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.

In order to chart our destiny, we need to be in constant contact with our creator God Almighty. When our channels are open to Him (mind, body, spirit), then we get a clear picture of what our destiny is in Christ Jesus.

Jeremiah 29:11 says..'for I know the plans that iIhave for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.'

At the age of 100years old, a lady called Flora Whittemore took a correspondence course in Geology from Utah State University whilst living in a nursing home. She is known for many things, one of them, being a quote she wrote that says: 'the doors we open and close each day decide the life we live.'

Our decisons will have an impact on how we will continue to live our lives and often will affect our children and generations to come.

In conclusion:

watch your thoughts, for they become words; watch your words, for they become actions: watch your actions, for they become habits; watch your habits, for they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

by Delisa Lindsey