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At a young age of 6 I didn’t understand worship, other than the fact that everyone sang together. Some people even prayed during worship instead of singing, as a child I was very confused about it. I pretended to mean it mainly because I couldn’t understand the words and I just said whatever it sounded like. I even mimicked others when they worshipped.
Then as I grew older I understood that worship had a deeper meaning. It is a show of gratitude and placement, and just spending time in His throne room. I never saw the throne room like others had reportedly experienced. Since I live in the church, I never felt anything out of the ordinary, and I wasn’t fully in the worship like everyone else was.
All my life I was expected to know what God sounded like, and know everything about the Bible just because I am the daughter of a pastor. I didn’t know anything other than Bible stories and all the names of the books of the Bible. Then one year when I was 9 years old I went to kid’s camp and we were worshipping and all I wanted to hear was God’s voice. It was prayer and worship time, and all the camp leaders were all lined up ready to pray for any child that needed prayer. I just wanted to hear his voice, so I went up and prayed with a leader.
Time passed, a lot of time passed, many words were said that I don’t remember. Then like a light breeze in came the words “I am here” then like lightning all my tears came out at once, for I knew it was Him. After that confirmation I went home meaning every single word that was sung in worship, I actually understood it. God was my friend and he actually listened, so why not sing for Him? He enjoys it. I haven’t heard his words this powerfully since then but now it is just a slight nudge in the right direction.
Keep listening so that God may direct your life in the right direction. God isn’t a ‘Sunday’ thing, he is for your whole life. May God direct you along His path, showing you things you didn’t even know were possible. God bless you.
Everyone knows that when you are a teenager you are unstable and trying to find your place in the world, but it is a bit different finding your place in God’s kingdom.
Finding your place in God’s kingdom is a fork in the road at any age. Where is your place in God’s kingdom? Are you out fighting the battle, or are you just sitting on the sidelines waiting for your turn to make a difference?
Life just has a way of getting in front of what is truly important doesn’t it?
What does God have in store for your life?
by Rebekah Chamblee
All you know is that each decision you make can be guided by God. It’s scary to take a step without knowing where you are going. But then again you gave your life to Jesus so why wouldn’t you trust Him? Because we were all born in sin, but given a second chance at being sinless. It is because of that same sin that we cannot find our place in God’s kingdom. We think we don’t deserve a place.
Jesus died on the cross so that we could be free from sin, but we still feel weighted by it. Our rightful place in God’s kingdom is by His side in the throne room. Not out fighting the battles, or sitting on the sidelines.