My name is Wanda Floyd. I am the mother of 8 beautiful children. (Hahaha, yes they are all mine.) I am a cosmetologist, license and Design Haircare Center and ICD Phase II Training Academy. I am an educator and trainer. At my church, I serve as the assistant to our Music Pastor and I am a worship leader. I have 3 passions in life, praise and worship, my industry and my children.

My desire is to be holy and acceptable. As a worship leader, I want to fulfill Gods purpose. I would love to do a worship CD. But not just any CD. When people listen to it, God will move in such a way that people will be healed,'' delivered and set free.

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Integer volutpat tempus

Fusce dictum fringilla justo ut pellentesque.

Thiis month of May, we have the pleasure and honour of interviewing Wanda Floyd, she is a single mother raising eight children. She lives in the USA and is here to shed some light on who she is and what has kept her grounded in her faith.

Wanda, please tell us about yourself

My name is Wanda Floyd. I am the mother of 8 beautiful children. (Hahaha, yes they are all mine.) I am a cosmetologist, licensed for 22 years, the owner of Inspirational Cutz and Design Haircare Center and ICD Phase II Training Academy. I am an educator and trainer. At my church, I serve as the assistant to our Music Pastor and I am a worship leader. I have 3 passions in life, praise and worship, my industry and my children.


My name is Wanda Floyd. I am the mother of 8 beautiful children. (Hahaha, yes they are all mine.)

I am a cosmetologist, licensed for 22 years, the owner of Inspirational Cutz and Design Haircare Center and ICD Phase II Training Academy. I am an educator and trainer.

At my church, I serve as the assistant to our Music Pastor and I am a worship leader. I have 3 passions in life, praise and worship, my industry and my children.


Tell us about your hopes, dreams and aspirations

I love God. So spiritually my hopes, dreams and aspirations are first to be kept. So many are living a compromised lifestyle and are perfectly fine with it.

My desire is to be holy and acceptable. As a worship leader, I want to fulfill Gods purpose. Id love to do a worship CD. But not just any CD. When people listen to it, God will move in such a way that people will be healed, delivered and set free.