Says B
Unplug, Commit, Refocus
By AnnyB
As a business woman I tend to keep
my finger on the pulse of the latest and
greatest in business tips for women,
small business owners and writers by
gathering as much information as I
can and hopefully applying it to my
“betterment” down the road. My “goto” sources are CNN, various professional
websites, a multitude of newsletters and
even Facebook.
In the past few weeks however I have felt
sluggish and bogged down by the influx
of information and seriously felt a sense
of information overload. From the horrific
events in Orlando; the killing of a gorilla,
the death of a small child in Disney; the
current state of political affairs and all
of the business, human resources, savvy
financial, health and beauty news that
I receive on a daily basis, I found myself
Women’s Elevation Magazine | 7