Women's Elevation Magazine April 2016 | Page 8

create all of the students and their identities. For a community of activists who were that reason, we asked the students to passionate We propose causes they believed in to design wanted to inspire them to go beyond for the workshop. I was immediately posting a hashtag and create change by blown away and continually surprised taking take their causes offline. throughout the day by the issues that community. We about wanted their to causes. the students were passionate about and We knew that we would have a diverse discussed. They were well informed and representation attending could speak on any platform about their our workshops throughout the day, and causes. I cannot list all of the proposals, therefore, we wanted to discuss issues that but some that still stand out are healthy were not divisive or exclusive. We wanted school lunches, student dropout rates, to explore issues that were important to equal pay, and immigration. The students of students 8 | Women’s Elevation Magazine