Women's Civil Rights Women's Civil Rights Australia | Page 19

Australia Today

While Australia has had its first woman Prime Minister, there are still fewer women than men in parliament and many women earn less than men. There are still campaigns for women’s rights as evidenced in the story and picture of then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, supporting the fight for equal pay by women in the community services sector in 2011. (Pay Rise Funding Gap, 2011) However, the post-war feminist movement made significant inroads and paved the way for women today to have more choice when it comes to the way they live their lives.

(Low-earning community sector workers set for pay boost under Labor equal pay push, [Photograph] 2011, Retrieved from <http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/policy/low-paid-community-sector-workers-set-for-pay-boost-under-labor-appeal-to-ir-umpire/story-fn59noo3-1226191199526#>.)