WomenCinemakers vol V WomenCinemakers vol V | Page 69

……………………….…CHRISTINE.SHEERWOOD…… Lashes is my graduation film from London Film School. I had been working on another script when I came across the short story “Feathers and Cigarettes” by Andrew Lloyd-Jones, which won an award with Fish Publishing, and knew instantly I had to adapt it, and share this cinematically. The protagonist, whom I named Ashley was so raw, disturbed and in a place and time in her life where she is figuring out who she is. Her journey has her transforming from trying to fit in to figuring out that she needs to walk away from all that nonsense and be herself. I loved that she wasn't a good girl caught up in something bad. To me, that’s not real. Ashley is a real girl. She’s flawed. She has a foul mouth, an attitude problem, and until she stands up for her self can sometimes be a pushover. That is when she’s not doing the pushing herself. Exploring Ashley in her own world, in her own life, in this one-day, where she has come to a realisation that the road she was on, was a false one for her. Even if you’re a young, directionless, foul mouthed kid, figuring out who you are is what everyone is trying to figure out. Sometimes well past their teens, which is why I think everyone can relate to Ashley. Her journey goes from being messed over to emerging from the chaos with a better understanding of who she was. That's not to say she won't continue to explore and learn and find herself in more chaos, but in this one day she learns a little bit more. It was very important for me to portray Ashley as who she is. To capture her raw feelings. The moments when she refrains from saying anything to the times that she lashes out. Too often women are not represented authentically. We come with scars, and bruises. Some visible, some not. Each one represents a journey, a story, and discoveries. Real raw emotions; regardless of gender, or genre is where I find the truly interesting stories to be. Based on the short story “Feathers and Cigarettes” by Andrew Lloyd- Jones, Lashes is an arousing cine- matic experience, one that deserves repeated and in-depth viewings. Christine Sherwood's talent as director shows itself in the balance the act of narration: she hares with Yorgos Lanthimos the desire to look at the world in new ways following a close examination of reality, reminding us of Maya Deren's words "It is not the way anything is at a given moment that is important in film, it's what is is doing, how it's becoming". We are pleased to present Christine Sherwood for this year's WomenCinemakers edition. Christine, tell us about your trajectory as a filmmaker. What inspired you to express yourself in this medium? To wrap someone up into a new world, to a new story in just a few moments is rather exciting. I always liked the idea that it's not the length of time you're in someone's life that can have the most impact, it's what you do with your time that matters. Pound for pound, some of the most impactful films I've seen have been short films. The short film format has been a great vehicle to develop a discipline for storytelling. Very much looking forward to continuing that drive, discipline, and passion into feature films. Ashley is here marvellously interpreted by Charlie Lewington. Can you describe your experience directing her? Charlie has the brilliant capacity for sitting into a performance. Simply "being" without pushing. She doesn't seek out the emotions. She steps into the world and allows the situations and interactions flow organically.