Jasmin Farnum , Editor In Chief
Message from the Editor In Chief :
It is my immense pleasure to welcome and present to you our monthly newsletter . I am so grateful to YOU for taking the time read and get to know more about Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking ; what we do and how we do it .
I started this journey with our founder Loretta Green-Williams as a quiet member on LinkedIn in December 2009 . I may have been among the first to join the LinkedIn group . Loretta and I quickly became supporters of one another groups rather more than supporters but active participates . We have never meet face-toface but we have logged our fair share of hours in brainstorming and planning ; sharing and caring and plain old sistah talk on the phone .
As I observed Loretta ’ s tenacity in developing WOCPSCN and many other projects , I soon recognized this woman is a force to be reckoned with . She is a devoted mother , sister-friend , businesswoman and activist most certainly but above all she is devoted daughter of Zion ever-ready to be about the Father ’ s business .
Though , it took me a moment to come to the realization that I have a larger task to perform in regards to the mission and vision that has been entrusted to Loretta , I got to tell ya ; I am on FIRE NOW ! I am so excited about the road ahead . I have wholeheartedly put my hand to the plow and there is no turning back .
Let me also share with you in my capacity as President of the new formed NY-Eastern Regional Chapter , I have penned my 2013 Strategic Planning and it blows my mind . I got a download from heaven and rest assure the assignment will be completed because it is not about me or us but all about we the Master has already predestined for us to do . I ’ ll let get a peek : it will dominating media platforms , wellness and a major National Conference in 2015 here in NYC . I learned that as soon as we accept the call and assume the posture of servant He aligns , order and presents with seal of approve that Kings take note and begin to finance the vision .— Oh believe it .
As you read and enjoy the pages herein , keep us in prayer as we do you and remember to make decisions that affect change .
Jasmin Farnum , Editor In Chief President , NY-Eastern Regional Chapter