Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking Vol 1 Issue 5 | Page 19

WHOLISTIC OPTIMAL WELLNESS My Story...I AM made whole. In the half-century that I have been on this earth, I have survived, three of the most prevalent epidemics that are effecting people today; domestic violence, diabetes Type II and obesity. The truth of the matter for me is I know that I am anointed to do this for such time. What I have come to realize is each of these epidemics are social-economic pandemics, and are primarily influenced by lifestyle . Bottom line each of these epidemics are based on choice as opposed to chance. Domestic Violence, diabetes (Type II) and obesity choices? To the unaware this may seem alien and so far removed from reality that is appears absurd. Stay with me. First, let me breakdown epidemic. An epidemic affects or tends to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time. The character of an epidemic is it is very widespread in growth and extent, We have an array of data that the supports this in the case of domestic violence, diabetes and obesity epidemics. As I examined the roots of domestic violence, diabetes and obesity I found the base stem grounded in social and economic factors in my life. The effects of the epidemic dissipated as soon I changed environments, actions and assume a healthier lifestyle. The symptoms of each of these epidemics can be completely reversible as I emerge myself in behaviors that are conducive to optimal wellness. I decided not to stay in an abusive relationship, eat, move and reduce my weight-things changed and the epidemic is not part of my experience. I realized the diseases that plague my family tree did not have to plague me. But, in order to achieve the optimal wellness I truly desire, I have to be truthful. I need to go deep and reflect introspectively. I seek to find and solve the lack of optimized wellness in my life. It of course begins with small steps, the facing of old demons and the removal of fear, doubt and dread. These are first weights I must lose in order to live life more abundantly. I was in no way shocked when he prescribed the insulin that I now take before going to bed each night. My resolve is a simple mantra—CHICK IS NOT ME, an obese, diabetic middle-aged black woman. Not cute. Just like my stint with an abusive man for more years than I care to admit, I am over it. I know there is something better for me and I am going to GET It. I said, that domestic violence, diabetes, and obesity roots are grounded in socioeconomic factors (my choice of lifestyle) for me this IS true. Me being a host for the domestic violence, diabetes and obesity epidemics is unacceptable. I will not contemplate entertaining the same conditions that resulted in detrimental or destructive outcomes. Ignoring early warning signs, not being aggressively proactive in taking There is a limit on how much one is willing to take before care of my being and lack of self control contribthey break and declare enough READY! I am there. I have uted largely to my state of un-wellness. grown totally disgusted with being sick, tired and nearly dead. For me it did not matter how many testimonies, books Today, I am awake to optimal wellness as a dior things outside of my own reasoning, I had get to this vine right, it is God’s promise to me and as an place on my own. I had to change my way thinking, being heir to the Kingdom of God, I Am going to get and living—I become the change I need to be. my inheritance. Now, I know full well in order to get my inheritance, I have to evict the inhabitants Sitting in my primary Doctor’s office, I glanced at my chart and clear the land before I can enjoy the full and saw; “Diagnosis-Obesity.” When did obesity become a measure of Glory in me. diagnoses, disease or furthermore an epidemic. I was not mystified because I have eyes and I know I am a big girl.