Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking Vol 1 Issue 3 | Page 8

Volume 1 , Issue 3
Page 8

Deborah Buynum Billips , CEO Slantress Magazine

What would you love to be doing at 60 or older ? Do you still have dreams undone ? Are you willing to be a Sarah or better still Deborah
Buynum Billips ?
We all know the story of Sarah and how she lost sight of the dream of ever giving birth to a child even though God said she would . There came day when she remembered God ’ s promise but made a decision to abandon the promise and she compromised . Her compromising turned God ’ s promise into a problem . One that she later regretted and needed relief from . Deborah Buynum Billips on the other hand held fast
Slantress Team Building Etiquette 101
You may think it is easy to find the right people to work with and help build your vision . I have some real horror stories I could tell but that will have to take a back seat to this
one .
Deborah Buynum Billips is a woman on fire and she thinks outside the box for sure . I had the opportunity of fellowshipping , partying a bit and observed her work ethic — fierce . She is astute and driven . So I was pleasantly surprised when I learned she works with a great team consisting to the promise and gave birth to a 10-year old dream . At 57 years old , the dream reappeared and she says of the moment , a voice said to her , ‘ It is time to start that magazine .” Originally she had thought it would be a fitness magazine but not feeling as fit as she used to be the magazine evolved into Slantress . The magazine ’ s tagline is “ A woman with a vision and the heart
to follow it .”
Slantress Magazine features ordinary women , men and children doing extraordinary things . Their
stories are inspiring and amazing .
All to often we seek to be in the know of what ’ s new in and among
of family members and friends . In her WOCP Radio interview on April 25 , 2013 she was joined by her sister , Shelley Buynum Blow , Administrator who wears ‘ many many , many hats ’ and Crystal Vila her best friend , Sales / Subscriptions who boldly acclaims to her ability to ‘ sale sand to a camel ’— I believe
her .
These women definitely caught the vision and follow the leadership as an integral part of the work . There is joy and enthusiasm in their voice the celebrity world not recognizing we live among celebrities every day . Thank God , Buynum Billips does , and did not give up on
dreaming .
She is now a youthful 59 year old , Publisher of a sassy , sleek , and superb magazine that she owns and operates with her husband ,
family and friends .
We recently interviewed Mrs . Billips on WOCP Radio ( listen to the show ). You see why we feel she is woman on fire and one who
thinks outside the box . Subscribe to Slantress .
as they speak of the work they do and the magazine they help build . Billips husband and children are
also important team members .
So I ’ d say Slantress team building etiquette tip 101 : is build from within among those who will love the work you do , love doing their part and have fun doing along side
you .
LeRoux Fayson Founder / CEO of Nascence Magazine
LeRoux Fayson , a mid-twenty something year old visionary and he has a birthday coming this June . But Fayson won ’ t be celebrating in the traditional fashion of his youthful generation . I asked him why in our recent interview . His reply , “ Because , I am building a business .” I told him of Voltaire Davis and his partner William D . Wesley two other young visionaries who decided to “ Downgrade their lifestyle and Upgrade their hustle .” As I share their story and listened to Fayson recounted his vision and witness how he is manifesting his dream takes a large part of his life .
( His interview and footage from Nascence Magazine launch party will air in July on WOCP TV ) You
can see a short clip now ( click ).
I grew 10ft taller with pride in this young , gifted-goal-purposed black man . As the proud mother of Nascence Magazine Lead writer , JA ’ ME ( aka Emon J . Almonte ) I can ’ t but help aid this business owner / publisher . He never asked and I don ’ t believe he would be look for the hand up . He is strong , independent , wears many hats ,
Photographer , Model , Student , Business Owner , Founder , CEO and visionary of an international creative magazine . His mission is to help others realize their dream . “ Taking Underrated Talents to their next Level .” Stay tuned for more as we journey with Fayson . Nascence Magazine will provide a few Fashion segments on WOCP
TV this coming July . I am sure you want more info . Nascence Magazine Info
Deborah Buynum Billips , Slantress CEO & a Queen of RWEP Real Woman Empowerment Project
“ The good life is a process , not a state of being . It is a direction , not a destination .”
~ Carl Rogers
LeRoux Fayson , Founder / CEO Nascence Magazine