Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking Vol 1 Issue 3 | Page 23

Volume 1 , Issue 3
Page 23
As we featured Dana Verde and her latest project “ A Promise ” storyline about a singlemother in poverty who ’ s 10-year-old son is beginning to display signs of going wrong , it is not far removed from the truth of our society today . According to the Census Bureau over 10 million American Women are single parents living at or below the poverty line . I attribute these women living in poverty as a result of the disparity in wages between men and women for the same job , not being a single mom . A significant increase in single households both female and male increased by the thousands but female parented households represent 84 % of the growing population . Women and men have all sorts of reasons why their relationship doesn ’ t work but what excuses can be offered for not co-parenting ? What is the indication of these alarming statistics ? Is it systematic of the disparities in our economy , a moral code of ethics in society or a combination .
The ramifications and problems for children growing up fatherless household according the Census Bureau filter into our communities primarily because single mother parented youth have a tendency to be prone to aggressions and violence actions . I and my siblings grew up in a single mother household and we were not prone to aggression or violence . For a period of five to six years I was a single mom and my children are not aggressive or violent . We must be careful in our researching and recounting data that is disseminated by a wide variety of organizations that may and may not intend it to be harmful but to some degree it does cause harm . Having been a single parented household I am painfully aware of the sacrifices and challenges one in that circumstance faces on a day to day basis . Regardless of the sex of a single parented household or the number of children growing up in it — there are tough questions that need answers ( at times those answers are not readily available so we do the best we can ).
We have countless of examples of women who raised single-handedly men and women of valor and distinction as an example President Barack Obama . I have been blessed to experience both aspects of parenting and having done so offer this old adage , ‘ it takes a village .’ Furthermore we must be willing to offer the unadulterated truth and put forth our story in mediums that our children can see themselves as more than a statistic in someone survey . This why the saga “ A Promise ” must be completed and distributed . Single parenting is not a curse or a death sentence nor is poverty — it is all in the presentation . What are we presenting our youth with today ? In terms of empowering , and educating them we don ’ t per se need millions of dollars in our educational system to do that . We do , however , need a network of concern individuals at the helm of guiding and supporting the single mothers and children with positive reinforcement and a paying wage that is suited to today economy . We need watchmen on the wall that are not afraid to say to a youth that is in rebellion and acting out cut it NOW ! We need single parents to be willing to accept the support of others without feeling insulted by moderate suggestions .
BUSINESS BY THE BIBLE Small Jar to Industrial Vats
If we observe and do what God says we will prosper . The Bible is clear on Kingdom Economic Earning Principles and Potentials — it is up to us .
When we decide to put away small minded thinking as shown here progression to unlock abundance will manifest if you are willing and obedient . God has plenty prepared for you . Are you prepared to
receive ? Prosperity is not about how hard you work but rather about how well you obey .
Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel . Be strong and courageous . Do not
be afraid or discouraged . 1 Chronicles 22:13 NIV