Women In The Sequel 1 | Page 3








"We can not all succeed if half of us are held back'

Malala Yousafzai

5 Ways To Up Your Game At Work

Stay fit as a fiddle and also keep everyone in awe at how well you keep on changing the game at work by doing these fun and great tips.

p.s. I bet you'll be excited for tip number 2 and 3.

Adrenaline Rush

Read a flash fiction about a college student that makes an astonishing discovery about herself. Don't forget this story! You might see it comeback in the near future!

Women Equality In Movement

What can coordinate points, the slope formula, a variable with a slider, and the linear equation formula all come together to make? A cool transformation! Check out page 22 to read how this is exactly done.

What Can You Do?

The title says it all: learn what you can do to join, not a moment, but the movement of trying to make this world a better place.

Final Reflection

Read the editor's thoughts on the STF process and how she felt about having to make a 30+ page magazine over the course of 3 weeks in addition to having assignments due in class.

03 Women In The Sequel